Red Heart Tasting Room
Bartonsville, PA
Tasting Menu at Red Heart Tasting Room
Our tasty Sangrias are available at our Poconos Tasting Room, in Bartonsville, PA. Most importantly to note, this tasting service is available either through the room service add-on package or on its own in Madness Distillery. In other words, when playing one of Trap Door’s multi-room escape experiences at the Poconos, players have the option of including a sangria tasting with their games. Also of note, the below sangrias are available in our Day of the Dead room at our Morristown, NJ location with the fiesta package!
Mixed Berry
Pineapple Jalapeno Sangria
Tropical Fruit Sangria
Strawberry Sangria
Blueberry Lemonade

Our Story
Madness Distillery sources Spirits from all over the world for our Patients to test.
Originally founded by Dr. Carroll Macmillan of The Red Heart Mental Institution. Madness Distillery is the product of a successful series of experiments. Dr. Macmillan experimented with the therapeutic benefits of spirit tasting. By creating carefully constructed recipes, she saw the benefits of these concoctions being served to her patients. One by one, patients seem to have returned to a sense of mental normalcy. Some reported of patients being integrated back into civilian life. With the success of Dr. Macmillan’s experiments, we now welcome all patients to our Madness Distillery tasting room. We have a spirit or a recipe ready to cure whatever ails you.

This story and its claims/characters are works of fiction. Any likeness to real situational mental health matters or people, real or fake, is purely coincidental and unintentional storytelling. We are simply trying to bring you the best spirits in a fully themed, immersive environment.